Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Engineering

Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798

Office : N4-02b-45
Phone : +65 6790 4587


This page will act as a buffer for everything about me that does not fit into any of the other (professional) pages on this website. Thus, this page will serve as a measure of my randomness, and hence, my entropy. Enjoy!

Random Facts
  • I spent most of my childhood and initial school days at two small/medium towns of West Bengal, India -- Raghunathganj (don't remember much) and Siliguri (can't recognize now).
  • I loved my one-year stint as a PhD Candidate at the University of Washington, Seattle, where I was fortunate to work with two intriguing personalities -- Neal Koblitz and William Stein.
  • Card tricks were my passion for a few years. I still have more than a dozen interesting decks collected from Ellusionist (the best online magic shop). Will post a list (or photos) sometime.
  • I am extremely introverted by nature, and public speaking used to be nerve-racking. I have quite painfully taught myself to perform when I teach or speak in front of large audiences.
  • Often, I tend to be obsessively particular about minor details. Can't help! If you are curious, check that every single item in this list had to be two full lines of text on a standard browser.

Hidden Stories

Observing the world from a distance leaves a lot to our imagination! Check the master at work.

Observations from a Distance
The Spirit of Leisure
Whisky Map of Scotland
Mortal Musings